EUROIMMUN rewarded for outstanding „Corporate development“

In the competition „Entrepreneur of the year 2014 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania“, EUROIMMUN received the award in the category „Corporate development“ in May 2014. With this prize, the company is rewarded as an outstanding example of entrepreneurial action in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and of exceptional economic and social responsibility.

Already today, EUROIMMUN has 400 employees working in the builidings in the industrial estate in Dassow (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), acquired in 2008. With further investments planned, the company shows its faith in the economic area of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and offers challenging and highly qualifying jobs. In Dassow, internationally competitive products are developed and produced. “This creates and protects innovative jobs in the regular labour market” says Minister of Economic Affairs of the federal state, Harry Glawe.

The prizes were not only awarded in the category “Corporate development”, but also for “Entrepreneurial personality”, “Engagement of skilled workers and family-friendly policies”, and in two special categories. Amongst the candidates for the year 2014, there were companies from the field of manufacturing and crafting, services and trade and the healthcare sector. A large part of the suggestions was submitted by cities, councils and local communities.

The inter-branch competition which took place for the 7th time was organised by the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Construction and Tourism, the association of East German saving banks and the association of saving banks in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the chambers of industry and commerce, both chambers of crafts and the association of companies in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

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